As well as Purpose Coaching programmes, I work with individuals and entrepreneurs on a weekly or fortnightly basis, helping them to build their Passion and Purpose business/personal project, keeping them motivated, on track and moving forward.

I also offer individual Life Coaching sessions, and always look to work with people’s individual needs.


From my experience, in coaching people to discover and connect with their Life Purpose, I have created a new 4-6 week programme, where I work with you one-to-one, to help you understand more about who you are, what is truly important to you and what is your gift/skill that you have to share with the world. Knowing and aligning your life with your Purpose allows you to step into a more fulfilling, rewarding and meaningful experience of life.

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Once you know your Purpose, you can connect with this and take it to everything you do; whether you are a Mum running the family home, a business women running a multi-national corporation, or someone mid-life needing new direction or a new career.

The programme provides a structured framework in the form of interesting and engaging exercises, which will bring out the creativity and resourcefulness in you, and help you to manage any inner obstacles that are present (procrastination, self confidence, fear of failure).

The programme outline follows below, and is tailored to you. I offer a complementary 30 minute call to discuss the programme further and understand your needs.


  • A deep dive into learning about the true you, and your needs.

  • What makes you truly feel alive, motivated, joyful.

  • What are your true strengths: this specifically looks at what are the strengths that actually strengthen you, that you actually enjoy doing! Strengths that drain us do not serve us.

  • What roles you are naturally good at. Are you a connector, inspirer, helper, leader, nurturer, motivator, guide?

  • Combining the processes to get clarity on your purpose, your true nature, the thing that you were born to do, and that will lead you to a meaningful and fulfilling life.

  • We will also create an Empowering Morning Routine, that specifically works for you, that will keep you focused and motivated every day.

This is an uplifting, inspiring and empowering programme.


Within the programme are 4 x Coaching Sessions, which are every 1-2 weeks and last approximately 1 hour. In between sessions there will be engaging self coaching exercises that I will brief you on at the end of each session.  Sessions are all done via video, using an easy to use video platform called Zoom, which can be recorded (audio only) for you to listen back to, if desired. Across the programme, you will have on-going support by email to keep you moving forward if any questions or challenges arise.


Coaching sessions require an open mind, a willingness to take risks, accountability, and a sincere commitment to implementing the actions agreed. The more keen and ready you are to change your life and live your purpose, the more you will get out of the programme.

Investing in coaching is your first step in taking charge of your future. It is important to remember that ultimately the responsibility for making decisions remains with you. The coach is there as a guide, to facilitate the process using proven coaching exercises and techniques, to keep you on track, motivated and inspired, and help you overcome any inner obstacles.


Get in touch for a 30 minute introduction call where we talk about your specific situation, and you will discover what finding your purpose and embarking on this programme could do for you personally.

If you are interested in taking your Purpose into your career the CAREER CHANGE FOR PURPOSE AND PASSION PROGRAMME is an extended programme, which starts with the above ‘Explore’ phase and then takes you to deeply explore living your purpose in your career and creating an action plan to get there.