Aligning yourself with your Purpose is about connecting with your true self, what really makes you feel happy and alive, and how you can benefit other’s lives with your skills and gifts.

“Many people don’t know their Purpose…and if you don’t know your Purpose your immediate goal is to figure that out.”Oprah Winfrey

“Many people don’t know their Purpose…and if you don’t know your Purpose your immediate goal is to figure that out.”

Oprah Winfrey

If you were at the end of your life, and were to look back to see that you had lived a life that was TRUE TO YOU,  a life where you FELT ALIVE, that had MEANING, how would you feel about the life you have lived?

We all have a Purpose and a passion inside of us, the thing that lights us up! That makes us feel alive!...that strengthens us and makes us naturally feel good. We all innately have this, however so many people have disconnected from this fundamental innate need; it’s been covered up over the years, and we can’t even see it or imagine it for ourselves!

Many people have lost touch with this because of the layers of subconscious brainwashing, of what you ‘should’ be doing with your life, what your life ‘should’ look like. There may have been influences or pressures from others; our parents, partners, friends or bosses, (as well as subconscious influences from media and society) that have directed your decisions and actions in life. Making decisions from this place can lead us down a path that makes us unhappy and unfulfilled, because we are living someone else’s dream, not our dream.

Understanding yourself better enables you to make choices in life that are true to who you are: your true values, your passions, your needs and to free the beautiful gifts that are inside you - that you were born to share with the world.

One of the most powerful quotes about passion and purpose is from the great writer and motivational speaker, Wayne Dyer: “Don’t die with your music still in you”.

This ‘music’ is your essence, your true nature, your innate talents and gifts, which we all have; and it’s our birth right to live our life expressing all of these.

When we start to shift our lives to be aligned with our Purpose and true passion, we start to experience exponential positive growth in our inner wellbeing, fulfilment and levels of happiness.

Positive psychology research shows that living a life of purpose and meaning is the key ingredient for happiness, however the No.1 thing that stops us from taking action and bringing this in to our life is ‘the negative voice’ in our heads that tries to keep us small.

Working with a Coach helps you to understand and manage that negative voice, and discover the true powerful you that is be buried underneath those untrue layers of negative beliefs and thoughts.

From my experience, coaching people to discover, connect with and live their Life Purpose, I have create two new inspiring and engaging powerful programmes. I also offer individual life coaching sessions, and always look to work with people’s individual needs.

The ‘LIFE PURPOSE EXPLORE PROGRAMME’ helps you to understand and claim your Purpose and Passion, to start to live your life aligned with this, and create a rewarding and fulfilling life.

Further to the ‘Life Purpose Explore programme’, the CAREER CHANGE FOR PURPOSE & PASSION PROGRAMME is an engaging process for people who feel stuck in their careers, helping them transition their career to a career aligned with their Purpose and Passion, a job that is deeply rewarding and meaningful.

As well as Purpose Coaching programmes, I work with individuals and entrepreneurs on a weekly or fortnightly basis, helping them to build their Passion and Purpose business/personal project, keeping them motivated, on track and moving forward.

Imagine what would happen to your levels of general happiness if you were to wake up each day with meaning, purpose, and passion in your life?… How would that change your life?… your wellbeing?… your happiness?…